هری پاتر نخستین مرجع فارسی زبان هواداران هری پاتر

هری پاتر نسخه موبایل

Re: اشعار جادویی
پیام زده شده در: ۱۰:۴۰ جمعه ۲۸ مرداد ۱۳۸۴
دید هاگرید یک جوانی را به راه
کو همی گفت ای خدا و ای اله
تو کجایی کز ستم این وقت شب
رفته از ذهنم به کل شور و طرب
آن عمویم: چاق، گنده، غرغرو
بسته از پشت دست هر گونه عدو
این خپل زادش، بود عند ببو
شاس مخ و هیچی نفهم و عرعرو
ای چه شد آن رحمت و لطفت خدا
پس بکن این سر ز جسم من جدا

* * *

ناگهان از پشت در آمد صدا
روح دادلی گشت از جسمش جدا
در شکست و بر فِتُد در پای او
هیکلی در پشت آن همچون لولو
"تو کجایی ورنون گامبو، کدو
کی نهاده بر تو این نام عمو
من به دنبال هری اینجا شدم
خود برای این مهم حاضر بُدم
حال شمعی بیار و روشنی
بخش تا بر شوی بخشودنی"

* * *

گفت ورنون: کم کن از این زر و زار
من در آرم گنده بک از تو دمار
گفت هاگرید: حرف من گشته چرند
ای چه شد این نامه پر ففل و بند؟
پس در آورد نامه ای از شال خود
مهر آن از موم قدر یک نخود !!
گفت هستی آشنا با نامه ام
نامه ای از بهر این دردانه ام
ای هری گیر و بخوان این نامه را
بعد از آن بر تن نمایی جامه را

* * *

چون هری خواند و به پایانش رسید
دید ورنون لرز کرده همچو بید
گویی‌اش از محتوای آن ورق
بوده است آگاه، کاین سان شد دمغ
گفت هاگرید: لعنت بر حواس
این دوات و لیقه من پس کجاس !!
برنویسم نامه ای از بهر تو
تا شود آگاه دامبل از وضع تو
وقت رفتن گشته است دیگر کنون
حیف این در با چنین قفل و کلون !!

* * *

گشت ورنون یک قدم سوی جلو
گفتش او را گنده بک! وایسا، اوهو
تو که هستی کز برای این هری
می کنی همچون لله این مادری؟
گفت هاگرید: خوب دانی جان من
نیست انقدر این موضوع هم خفن !!
خود بدانی این هری جادوگر است
سرنوشتش این چنین بُر خورده است
گمشو حالی از جلو راهم کنار
ورنه وارد می کنم بر تو فشار !!

* * *

دادلیِ گاگول خنگولِ مشنگ
داد سوتی بد مدل شوت ملنگ
غول ما هم صبر خود از کف بداد
چتر خود برداشت، وردی سر بداد
ناگهان از انتهای چتر او
رفت نوری سوی آن تنبل کدو
خورد آن دم راست بر پشت او
آن واترپمپ !! دغل کارِ دو رو
دم درآورد پیچ خورده همچو کوک
یک دم کامل به فرم بچه خوک

* * *

بعد از آن هاگرید به همراه هری
هر دو رفتند سوی یللّی
شد هری همراه آن یار عجیب
گشت آغاز داستانی بس غریب
این که بعد آن چه رخ داد ای عزیز
نیست در بحث و تو هم مزه نریز
گر بماند قوتی در این لسان
خواهمش گفت و تو هم آن را بخوان
مر شده مختومه دیگر شعر ما
والسلام و رحمة اله بر شما


Re: كلاس ماگل شناسي
پیام زده شده در: ۱۶:۳۸ چهارشنبه ۵ مرداد ۱۳۸۴
نامی: پروفسور
پروفسور: با منی؟
نامی: بله من یه سوال داشتم، دیروز که داشتم این یه کتاب موگولی میخوندم دیدم که یه سری چاقو کشیده و بالاش نوشته سلاح سرد. اگه میشه یه توضیحی درموردش بدین من چند نمونشو میزارم:
تصویر کوچک شده

تصویر کوچک شده

تصویر کوچک شده

تصویر کوچک شده

تصویر کوچک شده

تصویر کوچک شده

تصویر کوچک شده

تصویر کوچک شده

تصویر کوچک شده

تصویر کوچک شده

البته این آخریا شبیه شمشیر بودن ولی مگه ما سلح گرم هم داریم.


Re: کلاس پیش گویی
پیام زده شده در: ۱۵:۵۶ چهارشنبه ۵ مرداد ۱۳۸۴
اينم بيوگرافی نستراداموس:
Nostradamus' Biography
تصویر کوچک شده

Michel de Nostradame, more commonly known as Nostradamus, was born on December 14, 1503, in St. Remy de Provence. He was a seer and a time traveler living in 2 realities. He also was adept in astrology and astronomy, and, along with his own clairvoyance. He used both sciences to interpret the visions he received in the secrecy of his study.

He was often refered to as the prophet of doom because of the visions he had involving death and war. His followers say he predicted the French Revolution, the birth and rise to power of Hitler, and the assassination of John F. Kennedy. His prophetic vision....942 cryptic poems called "The Centuries" groups in sets of 100. A single verse is commonly called a quatrain and 100 quatrains a Centurie. They have enthralled generation after generation of readers. He predicted some of history's most monumental events from the Great Fire of London (1666) to the destruction of the space shuttle Challenger.

His parents were of simple lineage from around Avignon. Nostradamus was the oldest son, and had four brothers; of the first three we know little; the youngest, Jean, became Procureur of the Parliament of the Provence.

Nostradamus' great intellect became apparent while he was still very young, and his education was put into the hands of his grandfather, Jean, who taught him the rudiments of Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Mathematics and Astrology.

When his grandfather died, Nostradamus was sent to Avignon to study. He already showed a great interest in astrology and it became common talk among his fellow students. He upheld the Copernican theory that the world was round and circled around the sun more than 100 years before Galileo was prosecuted for the same belief.

Since it was the age of the Inquisition and the family were converted from Judaism to the Catholic faith by the time Nostradamus was nine years old, his parents were quite worried, because as ex-Jews they were more vulnerable than most. So they sent him of to study medicine at Montpellier in 1522.

Nostradamus obtained his bachelor's degree after three years, with apparent ease, and once he had his license to practise medicine he decided to go out into the countryside and help the many victims of the plague.

After nearly four years he returned to Montpellier to complete his doctorate and re-enrolled on 23rd October 1529. Nostradamus had some trouble in explaining his unorthodox remedies and treatments he used in the countryside. Nevertheless his learning and ability could not be denied and he obtained his doctorate. He remained teaching at Montpellier for a year but by this time his new theories, for instance his refusal to bleed patients, were causing trouble and he set off upon another spate of wandering.

While practising in Toulouse he received a letter from Julius-Cesar Scaliger, the philosopher considered second only to Erasmus throughout Europe. Apparently Nostradamus' reply so pleased Scaliger that he invited him to stay at his home in Agen. This life suited Nostradamus admirably, and circa 1534 he married a young girl 'of high estate, very beautiful and admirable', whose name was lost to us. He had a son and a daughter by her and his life seemed complete.

Then a series of tragedies struck. The plague came to Agen and, despite all his efforts, killed Nostradamus' wife and two children. The fact that he was unable to save his own family had a disastrous effect on his practice. The he quarrelled with Scaliger and lost his friendship. His late wife's family tried to sue him for the return of her dowry and as the final straw, in 1538, he was accused of heresy because of a chance remark made some years before. To a workman casting a bronze statue of the Virgin, Nostradamus had commented that he was making devils. His plea that he was only describing the lack of aestheticappeal inherent int the statue was ignored and the Inquisitors sent for him to go to Toulouse.

Nostradamus, having no wish to stand trial, set out on his wandering again and kept well clear of the Church authorities for the next six years. We know little of this period. From references in later books we know he travelled in the Lorraine and went to Venice and Sicily. Legends about Nostradamus' prophetic powers also start to appear at this time.

By 1554 Nostradamus had settled in Marseilles. In November that year, the Provence experienced one of the worst floods of its history. The plague redoubled in virulence, spread by the waters and the polluted corpses. Nostradamus worked ceaselessly.

Once the city had recovered, Nostradamus moved on to Salon, which he found so pleasant a town that he determined to settle there for the rest of his life. In November he married Anne Ponsart Gemelle, a rich widow. The house in which he spent the remainder of his days can still be seen off the Place de la Poissonnerie.

After 1550 he produced a yearly Almanac - and after 1554 The Prognostications - which seem to have been successful, and encouraged him to undertake the much more onerous task of the Prophecies. He converted the top toom of his house at Salon into a study and as he tells us in the Prophecies, worked there at night with his occult books. The main source of his magical inspirations was a book called De Mysteriis Egyptorum.

By 1555 Nostradamus had completed the first part of his book of prophecies that were to contain predictions from his time to the end of the world. The word Century has nothing to do with one hundred years; it was so called because there were a hundred verses or quatrains in each book. The verses are written in a crabbed, obscure style, with a polyglot of vocabulary of French, Provencal, Italian, Greek and Latin. In order to avoid being prosecuted as a magician, Nostradamus writes that he deliberately confused the time sequence of the Prophecies so that their secrets would not be revealed to the non-initiate.

It is extraordinary how quickly the fame of Nostradamus spread across France and Europe on the strength of the Prophecies, published in their incomplete form of 1555. The book contained only the first three Centuries and part of the fourth. The prophecies became all the rage at Court, the Queen, Catherine de Medici, sent for Nostradamus to come to Court, and he set out for Paris on 14th July 1556. On 15th August, Nostradamus booked a room at the Inn of St. Michel, and the next day the queen sent for him.

One could only wish that there had been a witness to record their meeting. Nostradamus and the Queen spoke together for two hours. She is reputed to have asked him about the quatrain concerning the king's death and to have been satisfied with Nostradamus' answer. Certainly she continued to believe in Nostradamus' predictions until her death. The king, Henri II, granted Nostradamus only a brief audience and was obviously not greatly interested.

Two weeks later the queen sent for him a second time and now Nostradamus was faced with the delicate and difficult task of drawing up the horoscopes of the seven Valois children, whose tragic fates he had already revealed in the centuries. All he would tell Catherine was that all of her sons would be kings, which is slightly inaccurate since one of them, Francois, died before he could inherit.

Soon afterwards Nostradamus was warned that the Justices of Paris were inquiring about his magic practices, and he swiftly returned to Salon. From this time on, suffering from gout and arthritis, he seems to have done little except draw up horoscopes for his many distinguished visitors and complete the writing of the Prophecies. Apparently he allowed a few manuscript copies to criculate before publication, because many of the predictions were understood and quoted before the completed book came off the printing press in 1568, two years after his death.

The reason for this reticence was probably the king's death in 1559. Nostradamus had predicted it in I.35 and may have felt that it was too explicit for comfort and that it would be advisible to wait some years until things had quietened down. But the following year, 1560, King Francis II died, and this time he was openly quoted.

In 1564 Catherine, now Queen Regent, decided to make a Royal Progress through France. While travelling she came to Salon and visited Nostradamus. They dined and Catherine gave Nostradamus the title of Physician in Ordinary, which carried with it a salary and other benefits.

But by now the gout from which Nostradamus suffered was turning to dropsy and he, the doctor, realized that his end was near. He made his will on 17th June 1566 and left the large sum, for those days, of 3444 crowns over and above his other possessions. On 1st July he sent for the local priest to give him the last rites, and when Chavigny took leave of him that night, he told him that he would not see him alive again. As he himself had predicted, his body was found the next morning.

He was burried upright in one of the walls of the Church of the Cordeliers at Salon, and his wife Anne erected a splendid marble plaque to his memory.

It was rumored that a very secret document existed in his coffin, that would decode his prophecies. In 1700, the coffin was moved to a prominent wall of the Church. Careful not to disturb his body a quick look inside revealed an amulet on his skeleton, with the year 1700 on it. One night in 1791 during the French Revolution, soldiers from Marseilles broke into the church, in search of loot. The next morning they were ambushed by Royalists. The soldier who had used Nostradamus' skull as a wine glass, the night before, died by a sniper's bullet.

Under the Oak (coffin) lightening strikes in Gienne.
Not far from there (Salon) is hidden the treasure
For after long centuries it is grabed
Found, shall die, eye pierced by a spring (of a trigger).

I 27 The Desecration of Nostradamus' Tomb
تصویر کوچک شده

Under the Oak (coffin) lightening strikes in Gienne.
Not far from there (Salon) is hidden the treasure
For after long centuries it is grabed
Found, shall die, eye pierced by a spring (of a trigger).

امیدوارم که بتونم امتیازی بگیرم....


Re: كلاس مراقبت از موجودات جادويي
پیام زده شده در: ۱۵:۰۸ چهارشنبه ۵ مرداد ۱۳۸۴
اينم مقاله ي من:
دست و پاهاش كلابرتا درازه و مثه اورانگوتان با سرعت اؤ بين درختا عبور كنه.
دندونای تیز و برنده ای داره که كارشو تو خوردن پرندگان کوچیک و مارمولک راحت ميكنه.
کلابرتها از دم درازشون برای شکار پرندگان و مارمولک استفاده می کنن.


Re: نجوم و اختر فيزيك
پیام زده شده در: ۱۴:۵۰ چهارشنبه ۵ مرداد ۱۳۸۴
چند تا شفق قطبی با توضیح و عکس
The auroral alert was good (from Spaceweather.com,Aurore-Qu颥c and University of Alaska ),the hunter of aurorae bor顬es Gilles Boutin is returned at his places of guets to St-Michel near from Quebec city, early on September 14, 2 waves of auroral activity coming, seen at 00h30 and at 02h00. the night was ideal, no cloud, no quarter moon but I had to be patient and to wait, my cameras 35mm Minolta and my lenses Zenitar 16mm & Minolta 28 mm collected. Welcome to www.banditdenuit.com تصویر کوچک شده
Photographer, Location:St-Michel village near from Qu颥c city, Qu颥c, Canada.
Sep. 14

تصویر کوچک شده
all night from 10:30 to 5 AM Alaska time, but only strong between 1:30 AM and 3:30 AM. Canon MKII 25mm f2.8 38 sec. ISO 400
Photographer, Location:Parks Hwy Alaska. The image is of Denali (Mt. McKinley).
Sep. 14

تصویر کوچک شده
The Aurora forecast was good for Sept 13 so I waited for an hour before I captured this clearer image of auroras reflected in the water. There was a lot of light spanning the sky, but few distinct swirls until this one came up.Photographed with Canon digital rebel f3.5 ASA 400 exposed for close to 27 seconds.
Photographer, Location:Blachford Lake Lodge near Yellowknife Northwest Territories
Sep. 13

تصویر کوچک شده
Auroras started to appear right after the sunset @21:15 MST until thick clouds covered after mid-night. Pentax *istD, SMC DA14mm lens.
Photographer, Location:Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada
Sep. 13

تصویر کوچک شده
Canon MKII 16-35 mostly at 16 f2.8 exposures between 20 sec and 100 sec.
Photographer, Location:Cantwell AK
Sep. 07

تصویر کوچک شده
Displays of very short duration on the 5th, but strong and persistant through the clouds on the 6th with occassional breakthroughs for brief times. Taken with Nikon DIX and D2H;, 20-35mm at 20mm. Exposures and ISO varied
Photographer, Location: Skiland, Alaska 20 miles NE of Fairbanks.
Sep. 05-06

تصویر کوچک شده
The display started while the sky was still very light, and lasted for 2-3 hours. Photo details: Canon 1D Mark II, 400 ISO,f/2.8, 5-10 sec exposures
Photographer, Location:Denali NP, Alaska
Sep. 06

تصویر کوچک شده
Taken with Nikon D70 (digital), F4.5/15s exposure. The half moon is left, and the Pleides and Hyades are also visible.
Photographer, Location:Denali Nat'l Park, Alaska.
Sep. 06

تصویر کوچک شده
On the evening of the 6th we had a very nice 'Sunset Aurora' which continued though out the night. The past 3 nights we have had very nice auroras here in Fairbanks Alaska. The aurora webcam is now back online lets hope for a great season.
Photographer, Location:Fairbanks, Alaska
Sep. 06

تصویر کوچک شده
This was the second night in a row that I was able to observe a faint auroral glow on the northern horizon. It was visible to the naked eye despite moderate lunar interference and some localized fog patches. Taken with a Canon PowerShot A60, 15 seconds at f2.8, ISO400.
Photographer, Location:Sault Ste. Marie, ON, Canada
Sep. 08

خب، امیدوارم امتیاز بگیرم....


Re: كلاس ماگل شناسي
پیام زده شده در: ۱۵:۱۶ شنبه ۱ مرداد ۱۳۸۴
Innostream INNO A20

تصویر کوچک شده
Network: GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / GSM 1900
Announced :2005, July
Status :Coming Soon
Dimensions: 93.9 x 46.4 x 23 mm
Weight: 105 g
Type: TFT, 256K colors
Size: 176 x 220 pixels
- Second external display TFT, 256K colors (96 x 96 pixels)
Customization: Download
Vibration: Yes
Phonebook :1000 entries, Photo call
Call records: 20 received, dialed and missed calls
Card slot :MMC
- 64MB built-in memory
GPRS: Class 10
Data speed: 32 - 48 kbps
Messaging: SMS, MMS, EMail
Clock :Yes
Alarm :Yes
Infrared port :Yes
Games :Yes+ downloadable
Camera 2 MP, 1600x1200 pixels, video, flash
- Java MIDP 2.0
- WAP 2.0
- T9
- MP3/AAC music player
- MPEG4 video recording & playback
- Voice memo
- Scheduler
- Calculator
- Stopwatch
- Calendar
- USB port
تصویر کوچک شده
Haier N60
Network GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / GSM 1900
Announced :1Q, 2005
Status: Coming Soon
Dimensions: 94 x 48 x 25 mm
Weight: 127 g
Type :TFT touchscreen, 256K colors
Size :320 x 240 pixels
- Handwriting Recognition
- Swivel and rotate
- Screensavers, logos
Type :Polyphonic (64 channels), MP3
Customization; Download
Vibration: Yes
Phonebook: 500 fields
:Call records
Card: slot SD
- 400 Mhz processor
OS: Linux
GPRS Class 10 (4+1/3+2 slots)
Data speed: 32 - 48 kbps
Messaging: SMS, MMS, EMail
Clock: Yes
Alarm: Yes
Infrared port: No
Games: Yes
Camera: 1.3 MP, 1280x960 pixels, video
- Java MIDP 2.0
- MP3/MPEG4 player
- WAP 2.0
- T9
- World clock
- Calendar
- Calculator
- Built-in handsfree
- USB port
- WiFi connection (optional)
Standard, Li-Ion 900 mAh

ويرايش شد!(آلبوس دامبلدور)

ویرایش شده توسط آلبوس دامبلدور در تاریخ ۱۳۸۴/۸/۱۹ ۵:۰۲:۲۸


Re: اگر جادوگر بودی چه قدر تغییر می کردی؟
پیام زده شده در: ۱۴:۴۸ شنبه ۱ مرداد ۱۳۸۴
مطمئنم هر روز برام اخطار اخراج از مدرسه میومدD:


Re: جلسه چهارم
پیام زده شده در: ۱۸:۰۶ جمعه ۳۱ تیر ۱۳۸۴

Courtesy of John Harding

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Re: كلاس مراقبت از موجودات جادويي
پیام زده شده در: ۱۲:۳۵ چهارشنبه ۲۹ تیر ۱۳۸۴
چون خجالتین خونشون رو توی تمشک ها و خارها میسازن.
توی خارها زندگی می کنه تا اگر کسی مخاطب قرارش داد بتونه سریعا از شدت خجالت زدگی خودشو بکشه.


Re: جلسه چهارم
پیام زده شده در: ۱۲:۲۹ چهارشنبه ۲۹ تیر ۱۳۸۴
نقل قول:

Avril نوشته:
اگه اشتباه نکنم اون وردی که سپر مخصوص ایجاد مخصوص ایجاد می کنه :
شیلد چارم Shield Charm : افسون توليد هاله ای مجازی در اطراف بدن برای منحرف کردن افسون های حريف مثل آواداکداورا
امیدوارم جوابم درست باشه

به نظر من هم همینه ...


هرگونه نسخه برداری از محتوای این سایت تنها با ذکر نام «جادوگران» مجاز است. ۱۴۰۳-۱۳۸۲
جادوگران اولین وبسایت فارسی زبان هواداران داستان های شگفت انگیز هری پاتر است. به عنوان نخستین خاستگاه ایرانی ایفای نقش مبتنی بر نمایشنامه نویسی با محوریت یک اثر داستانی در فضای مجازی، پرورش و به ارمغان آوردن آمیزه ای از هنر و ادبیات برجسته ترین دستاورد ما می باشد.