کتاب هایش را درون کیفش گذاشت. هندزفریاش را درون گوشش کرد و اهنگ را پلی کرد:
Catch my eye, take my hand
This bond is tighter than we ever planned
Give me courage, so I can land
We know that divided we'll fall
So together we stand
Climb with me, share my dreams
Tomorrow's brighter than it's ever been
Fear no danger, make big plans
We know that divided we'll fall
So together we stand
Laugh and cry with me
Fly that high with me
See the sunset and the sunrise
The world looks so good through our eyes
Like the moon and stars at night
Rest your head, tell me your thoughts
Everything I have and called mine is all yours
Sail that ocean, find that sand
We know that divided we'll fall
So together we stand
Reach with me, see the sky
I'll always be here for the rest of your life
Side by side, hand in hand
We speak a language no one else can understand
Hear those cheers, strike up the band
We know that divi ded we'll fall
So together we stand
We know that divided we'll fall
So together we stand
با تمام شدن آهنگ دستگیره ی در را به سمت خودش کشید و در را بست. شاید این آخرین باری بود که آنجا را از نزدیک می دید.
together we stand