Daniel Radcliffe, who reprises his boy-wizard role in the upcoming fifth Harry Potter movie, The Order of the Phoenix, told SCI FI Wire that he thinks ending the franchise with Harry's death makes sense. Asked if he'll be playing a death in the expected seventh and final film in the series, Radcliffe said: "That's a very good question. ... I like to think that I will. ... I think, personally, ... that's the only way [author J.K. Rowling] could ever halt any call for her to keep writing [Potter books], because, I mean, if Harry survives, she'll just be getting plagued by requests to write an eighth book for the rest of her life."
دنیل ردكلیف در گفتگویی با SCI FI Wire عنوان كرده كه به نظر او تمام شدن داستان با مرگ هری منطقی میباشد. وقتی از او پرسیده شد "آیا به نظر تو در فیلم هفتم باید نقش هری در حال مرگ را بازی كند؟" پاسخ داد:
«سوال بسیار خوبی است. من شخصا فكر میكنم كه این طور هست؛ به نظر من این تنها راهی است كه رولینگ برای ننوشتن جلد هشتم میتواند داشته باشد؛ به نظر من اگر هری زنده بماند، درخواستهای مكرر نوشتن جلد هشتم سری هری پاتر رولینگك را تا آخر عمر به ستوه خواهد آورد.»ادامه ...
Daniel Radcliffe, who reprises his boy-wizard role in the upcoming fifth Harry Potter Radcliffe, speaking in a conference call from London with journalists on Nov. 6, also drew a parallel between his character's relationship with Harry's nemesis, the evil Lord Voldemort, and the one between Sherlock Holmes and Moriarty, both of whom had to perish at Reichenbach Falls in order for the villain to be vanquished. "I think it will be something to do with the fact that ... maybe the only way Voldemort can be killed is if Harry is killed as well," the 17-year-old actor said. He added: "My friend sort of compared it to both [Homes and Moriarty] dying at the same time. But, obviously, he hasn't read the sequel [in which Holmes was revived]. So, yes, but that's the thing that I would sort of like to see coming."
Rowling is currently writing the upcoming seventh and final Potter book, for which no release date has yet been announced. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, based on the fifth of Rowling's books, opens July 13, 2007.
دنیل ردكلیف همچینین روز 6 نوامبر در كنفرانس تلفنی با خبرنگاران، مقایسهای بین شخصیت و عاقبت هری پاتر و لرد ولدمورت با شخصیت و عاقبت شرلوك هولمز و موریاتی انجام داد و گفته:
«همان طور كه میبایست شرلوك هولمز و موریاتی هر دو از بین بروند تا موریاتی (شخصیت منفی داستان) نابود شود، شاید تنها راه كشتن ولدمورت هم كشته شدن هری باشد. البته در ادامه داستان، به شرلوك هولمز دوباره زندگی بخشیدند. بنابراین من دوست دارم داستان هری پاتر نیز این گونه تمام شود.» منبع: