Almost 3,000 children from 160 schools across the country have been voting for their favourite books, written by Scottish authors.
Little Lost Cowboy by Simon Puttock and Caroline Jayne Church won the 0-7 years category of the Royal Mail Awards for Scottish Children's Books.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by JK Rowling came first in the 8-12 years category.
Roxy's Baby by Catherine MacPhail won the 13-16 age group...
نزدیک به 3 هزار نوجوان دانش آموز سرتاسر کشور انگلستان به کتابهای محبوب خودشان نوشته شده توسط نویسندگان بریتانیایی رای دادند .
Little Lost Cowboy نوشته سیمون پاتوک و کارولین جین کروچ , برنده جایزه رده سنی بین 0 تا 7 سال توسط رویال پست برای کتاب بچه های بریتانیا شد .
همچنین کتاب هری پاتر و شاهزاده دورگه نوشته قلم زیبایی جی کی رولینگ توانست عنوان اول کتاب محبوب رده سنی بین 8 تا 12 سال را از آن خود کند و برنده جایزه رویال پست شود .
Roxy's Baby نوشته کاترینا مکفایل , نیز توانست جایزه رده سنی بین 13 تا 16 سال را برنده شود ...
Simon Puttock and Jayne Church share £1,500, while JK Rowling and Catherine MacPhail win £1,000 each.
Culture Minister Patricia Ferguson MSP presented the winning authors with their awards at a ceremony at the Scottish Storytelling Centre in Edinburgh.
The competition was organised by Braw (Books Reading And Writing), the Scottish children's books arm of the Scottish Book Trust.
The shortlisted titles - all of which were published last year by authors or illustrators born or resident in Scotland - were chosen by a panel of literature and education experts.
The books chosen were read by young people in reading groups at schools, libraries and bookshops. The children then voted for their favourite.
Speaking about Little Lost Cowboy, Charlie Duffy, 11, from St Brigid's Primary School, Glasgow, said: "When we read Little Lost Cowboy to Primary 3 they loved it.
"They could not stop laughing. I thought they were going to explode."
'Exceptional response'
A book review competition for children was also held which received more than 500 entries.
Anna Gibbons, manager of Braw, said: "What is most important about these awards is that it is the children themselves who have been responsible for the final verdict.
"Listening to Scottish school children talk about, argue and enthuse over the books in the last few months has been an exceptionally rewarding experience."
Julie Morrison, from the Royal Mail, said: "The response from children across Scotland has been quite exceptional and is a real tribute to all the schools and the teachers who encouraged their pupils to get involved.
"Not only is good literacy vital for society in general, it is crucial to the future of our business that the next generation can read, write and send letters, cards and postcards."
Gavin Wallace, head of literature at the Scottish Arts Council, said: "The enthusiasm we have seen from the young readers is testimony to the quality of children's literature in Scotland and demonstrates the excitement and inspiration which literature can instil in young people."
The culture minister said: "By taking an active role in these awards, more children have been encouraged to read, helping them develop a love of reading which encourages creativity as well as building vital literacy skills."
Source :
جالب اینجاست که کارولین جین کروچ و سیمون پاتوک با 1500 رای و جی کی رولینگ و کاترینا مکفایل هر کدام با 1000 رای برنده رده سنی مختلف شوند .
وزیر فرهنگ و تمدن بریتانیا , پاتریکا فرگوسن , در مراسمی ویژه ای که در مرکز همایش های استوری تلینگ انگلستان در ادینبورگ برگزار شد , جوایز نویسندگان برنده را اهدا کرد .
این رقابت که توسط Braw , انجمن Books Reading And Writing سازماندهی شده بود در تشریفات در ادینبورگ خاتمه یافت
باز هم این پیروزی را اول به خانم رولینگ و بعد به طرفداران هری پاتر , تبریک میگوییم
فراموش نکنیم که هری پاتر , رکوردهای را برجای گذاشته است که حتی شاید تا سالیان سال این جوایز ادامه داشته باشد
منبع :
BBC News[/fa]